Friday, February 8, 2013

I'm a High Elf Player!

That's right, boys and girls. After over 2 years of asking, I finally consented to play my first fantasy game. And I really enjoyed it - enough to begin building a High Elf army. I'm not sure if you are aware how shocking this news is. I swore I had no interest in ever playing any tabletop game. Ever. But Nate played the patience card, and got me hooked, little by little.

Now, I know I've been MIA for awhile, so I have some stuff to catch you guys up on. Like, you know, how I won my first game. :-D And, of course, how this miracle even came to be.

Nate actually convinced me to try the game out, by playing one of his Dark Elf units in one of his Sunday games, a few weeks ago. Two weeks ago, I made my debut by playing his crossbowmen (and sometimes his shades). The whole group was awesome, and understanding about my learning curve (thanks guys!). I was totally intimidated at first, and had no clue what was going on. But playing the crossbowmen was easy, in that I didn't have to worry about movement or anything. I sat on a hill and shot at Lizardmen. And as I watched everyone playing around me (there were 2, 2v2, 2000 point games going on), I really began understanding some of the basic rules. I could even answer some seriously basic questions when Nate wasn't paying attention!

That night, I agreed to start playing. I don't know who was more excited, me or Nate. After much discussion, we decided I should play High Elves. Seriously, there really was a lot of thought put into this decision. And several times Nate has questioned it. I was willing to pretty much start playing anything, but Nate said I should play an army that I really like the fluff (backstory) about. And I love the High Elves! I could go on about tons of characters, and the books I've read recently, but I'll save that for another day. So in the end, it wasn't so much about which army was the toughest or strongest, but which ones I genuinely like.

Setting the game up
All of this leads up to my first full game. Nate and I broke out the tables in the apartment this week and played a 1000 point game. My High Elves (represented by his Dark Elves, as I haven't built my army yet) against his Chaos Warriors. And yes, I won. Completely. As in I wiped all of his units off the table, minus his lord. He killed 4-5 of my guys. However, I can't really take the credit. He was teaching me, and so he was advising me of the best moves to make, and why.

Maya was learning too. Though I think she was waiting for her chance to steal something.

So yes, it is time for me to eat crow. Not only did I make the jump to the fantasy world (used to be I was only interested in 40k fluff), I actually became a player. I play tabletop games. Well, I play fantasy. I'm not making any promises about anything else yet. Let me learn this game first, guys!

Right before my guys run down those Chaos guys and wipe them out.
So what happens now? Well, Nate and I have another game planned for tomorrow. And then I am playing Sunday! Thank goodness the group is prepared for my total n00bness. Because I have a feeling I'm going to forget everything I learned. Ahh!

Do you remember your first game? Tell me about it! I love to hear your comments!